A breast MRI looks for subtle differences that could indicate breast cancer. It is used as a supplemental imaging exam for women who are at a higher risk of breast cancer or to check the extent of disease for patients who have had a recent breast cancer diagnosis.
Doctors use pelvic MRIs to understand symptoms and conditions associated with the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, as well as your bladder and rectum. It is helpful in examining complex cysts, endometriosis, and more.
Your spine provides critical support of your entire body. A spine MRI offers a detailed look at the spinal cord, vertebral bodies, discs, ligaments, and larger nerves to determine the reason for spine pain, examine injury after trauma, or diagnose tumors.
Shoulder pain is a common ailment. A shoulder MRI can provide a deeper look at the complex joint and surrounding tissues, uncovering injuries such as tears to understand the cause of your discomfort.
When you are experiencing hip pain, an MRI can offer guidance. Hip complaints can result from trauma, overuse, or arthritis. A hip MRI can assess inflammation, swelling, ligament tears, avascular necrosis, and more.
Knee pain is a common complaint within Colorado’s active community. A knee MRI can help diagnose an injury resulting from trauma or overuse, as well as identify swelling and inflammation that may be causing you pain.
A brain MRI allows doctors to examine the structures of the brain, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary gland, ventricles, and brainstem. It is most often used to investigate symptoms to diagnose symptoms such as chronic headaches and rule out tumors.
With an abdominal MRI, we are able to closely examine the abdominal organs, including the liver and gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and abdominal aorta. MRI helps us understand your symptoms and identify issues such as lesions, pancreatitis, and more.